Brand Identity
Macaxeira Gurme
Macaxeira Gurme is a local food company specialized in Cassava products. They produce Pizzas, Gnocchis etc based on organic cassavas. Despite it's good proposal, the company didn't have a brand identity - fact that heldback the company's growth potential.

A brand identity is needed to establish a company in their market. Not only that, marketing side, it helps customers remember your brand and it makes it more likely for them to recommend you.

Project Concept 
The Cassava was defined as the visual concept for the project. Since the whole company production is based on cassavas, it made sense to make Macaxeira Gurme be remembered on the market with a cassava on it's Logo. 
Before the Identity was set up, Macaxeira Gurme was seen as a small family company. One of the challenges in this process was to transform it from family business to a more formal one. In order to make it more professional, it was necessary to develop a Brand Identity that would highlight formal attributes.​​​​​​​
The typography used was Withsand Bounce for 'Macaxeira Gurme' and Acme Gothic Condensed for 'culinária orgânica artesanal'. 
It was chosen to create a formal yet elegant tone to the brand, working with the cassava root that comes out from the 'i'.

Color palette
The color palette was chosen to make a connection with nature, more specifically with earth elements.
Pantone 7491 C - dark green
Pantone 158 C - dark orange
Pantone 1535 C - earthy brown

Visual Identity - Macaxeira Gurme

Visual Identity - Macaxeira Gurme
