Calendar 2021: Music for Months
Brief: This calendar is a collaborative project among 6 artists with varying art styles, from different cities. Each artist had to design two of the calendar pages. The fun part as the name suggests is "music". Each page of the calendar comes with an artwork as well as a spotify barcode which upon scanning, leads to the playlist curated for that particular month. I had the opportunity to work on the month of April and October.

April: Bloom into something beautiful

Concept: The name "April" is rooted in the Latin Aprilis, which is derived from the Latin aperire meaning “to open”. The month of April brings the start of the spring season in which flowers and trees open and blossom. The concept for this illustration was the same - let the Music help you open up and bloom into something beautiful.
April Artwork
Calendar Layout

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Calendar 2021
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Calendar 2021

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