It's time we humans stop being ashamed of our excretions and start to be proud of our digestion! Be #proud2poop! Just press a little more and then it is there, the summit, the redemption - cheese! Splash, Snap! Your very personal #Poopie is ready. This toilet photographs your face at the exact moment the feces breaks through the surface of the water. A sensor triggers a camera with pinpoint accuracy. The picture is automatically displayed with the message "#Poopie Proud to poop"!. Now quickly wipe your bottom and put on your pants, because your personal #proud2poop moment will be ready for you to take away shortly. Share your #Poopie with the world and become part of the movement!

#Poopie is a conceptual art installation, which can be seen as a critical design approach to question shame on public toilets.



”Ein Poopie ist wie das Foto auf der Achterbahn, nur viel intensiver.“ Umsetzung einer Photo Booth, die die Gesichter von Menschen während des St Read More
