F L O R E S C E N C E . . .

This is my most precious creation, where nature and art meet.

My name is Maria and I am a 24 year-old woman from Mexico obsessed with nature and art in general. 

It was due to those difficult moments that the pandemic brought with it, those that ended with jobs, dreams, goals and among other illusions, it was those same moments that woke up new beginnings and other ways of seeing life. In my case, I had to give up many of my dreams and get out of my comfort zone, without imagining that the best was yet to come. Having created these "germinating dishes" to give new life to a great variety of plants and seeds based on pure water, made me understand that nature is so beautiful and clever, and that just like us, it is capable of adapting to different ways of life and flourish.
Aristotle said "We are what we do every day." At Florescence we admire what we do for life. Human beings play a great role in preserving the environmental balance. We aim to promote healthy habits and environmental practices that provide harmony and sustainability to our environment.
Educating future generations about how to propagate and germinate their favourite seeds and other plants at home is our mission. Humans survive on this planet thanks to the plants that purify the air we breathe, it is only fair that we do the same for them, giving them a place to grow and flourish.
If you would like to buy my products, you can find more about them here: https://www.florescenceshop.com/en/store



We are a brand with great admiration for plants and art. We mixed our two inspirations and that is how our germination plates were born. Our acce Read More


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