Information Design
This project shows design requirement of chat support, that provides the services needed to support online chatting among members of the social network. All the diagram shows the design to support chat subsystem for the members that has been registered in the system (administrators, parent & child). This will be supported by conducting system design through Package diagram and an object model (detailed class diagram) for the chat support package ensuring that it has high cohesion and low coupling.
Package Diagram
The below package diagram is used to decomposed all the subsystems for the educational networking system which has the collection of classes, associations, operations and events that are closely related to one another. All the subsystems have been designed in the form of hierarchical layers to show the interaction and communication flow from and to subsystem boundaries
The user interface system is the main package which is the parent of all the subsystems that consists of Member management that includes members’ detail and profiles. All the members in the system has access to the Content Management Subsystem and Administrator can manage the subsystem. The PAGE 3 Content Management will consist of three more packages within subsystems which are Chat, Quiz and Game subsystems.
Analysis Class Diagram
This is an initial analysis class diagram for chat package which allows members of the system to participate in chat by searching the username of the member. They can take part in group chat by adding and creating chats. The diagram also shows the functionality of backing up files and different message types has been implemented.
Detailed Class Diagram
The diagram on right shows all the fields types and the methods that needs to be implemented for the system to work. Both detail and analysis class diagram (compare to checkpoint 1) has new changes where the group member is now directly relating with group chat that allows the chat participants to add members and remove in the chat system
Observer Design pattern, as the system is heavily depended on the users’ behavior with the system due to the high communication flow of one-to-many.
Applying to the Gang of Four (GoF), the observer pattern design for the chat application has dependencies between objects where if one object changes its state, all its defendants are notified and updated automatically.
Chat Support System

Chat Support System
