Social: Tweet the Blues
Combine a Chicago Blues legend with a simple concept and you get one Applied Arts Award, one Lotus and two Lotus Merits.
Radio: JCI
JCI's long standing positioning line informs all their creative - even radio.
TV: Trophic
A 15 second ultra-low budget spot for a natural laxitive made by a huge multinational. Yes. 
Print: Weissach 
When you are driving a luxury sports car from Weissach... well you know the old cliche. But what isn't a cliche is picking up a Merit at the Lotus Awards for a text only print ad. 
Internal Video: Dilwari
The management team at Dilwari needed a self-promo video for their year-end party. We created something their staff not only wanted to watch, they wanted a copy to show their friends. 
Radio: Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
A mildly offensive Christmas spot and a series from "Know it all Dad" that won a merit at the Lotus Awards and has become a valuable brand property for our client that has endured for nearly three years and at least a dozen radio spots.
Print: Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
A long copy print ad for a new attraction at CSBP. This ad picked up a merit at the Lotus Awards.
Ambient: David Suzuki Foundation
Never mind your driver's license. You're going to need your safe boater's certificate if climate change remains unchecked.
TV: Alpine Credits
Minimal budget. Maximum fun. In all, four spots were created for less that $40,000. These are the only two that made the cut - they just happened to be the ones I wrote. 
Radio: Alpine Credits
Our research suggested that people like to hear the word "approved." The result: qualified leads increased by over 20% and sales numbers were not divulged, but let's just say a lot of people were approved. 
Radio: Get Acceptance
Nobody likes to apply for a home equity loan especially from The Bank.
Ambient: Burnaby Blues and Roots Festival
To help Tourism Burnaby promote the Burnaby Blues and Roots Festival we took the music to the people. 
Ambient: Momentum Grooming
We may, or may not have paid the licensing fee for Mr. Seleck's photo but we did win a Creativity International Award. 
Multimedia: BC Hydro
A massive youth marketing promotion that included on-line videos, radio, print, a website and more.
Pro Bono: DVBIA
It is not sexy, but it has teeth. We had less than two hours to develop a print ad for the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association who were running a campaign to encourage people to come back downtown after the Stanley Cup Riots. They asked for an ad, we created a social movement that went on to become the best selling t-shirt in the history of Cherry Bomb T-shirts and it tallied a total of six, IABC Awards regionally, nationally and more recently internationally.  
Print: Sharpening House
Ben Hudson

Ben Hudson

I love my job. I love great advertising. I believe that getting paid to be creative is a privilege not a right. And I know exactly how lucky I am Read More
