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Brendan Corkery Discusses How to Get Fresh Veggies in

Brendan Corkery Discusses How to Get Fresh Veggies in the Off-Season
Fall is a wonderful season. Sweater weather, pumpkin spice-flavored everything and leaves changing colors on the trees. But as winter approaches, those of us who are passionate about eating fresh and local start to wonder where we will get our fresh produce during the offseason. But even though farmer’s market season is over, Brendan Corkery assures us that accessing fresh veggies and other produce during the offseason isn’t as hard as we think.  

Consider Indoor Gardening Says Brendan Corkery

There’s nothing like fresh herbs to elevate a hearty beef stew or roasted root veggie medley. And it’s very easy to grow fresh herbs right in your kitchen! All you need is an insulated windowsill with plenty of natural light and some small pots. Alternatively, you can set up a grow light if your windows don’t get good light, or you’re in a cramped apartment. Rosemary, sage, dill, mint, thyme, and parsley are all very easy to grow indoors and can give you that fresh, home-grown feeling even in the dead of winter!

If you want to take the experiment a step further, certain greens and sprouts do well indoors also. Or if you have the space and the will, you can grow certain veggies in a heated greenhouse all year round. Just be warned – veggies grown out of season will never taste quite the same, says Brendan Corkery.

Bok Choy, endives, beets, kale, and leeks all do very well in protected greenhouses – just plant them in the very last weeks of summer or in the early fall. 

Special Delivery and CSAs Will Help Keep You Stocked Up Says Brendan Corkery

CSAs (or community-supported agriculture boxes) are weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly shares of local farmers’ crops, explains Brendan Corkery. You usually choose a share, a half share, or a quarter share depending on the size of your household, and when you pick your box up, there’s a lovely bunch of veggies, fruits, herbs, and flowers waiting for you! You don’t get to choose what comes in your box, so if you’re a very picky eater, this may not be for you. But it’s a great way to support your local farmers, eat fully in season, and try new things. 

Please note that depending on where you live, certain CSAs may not operate year-round depending on their crops. Try to find a local group that offers winter options. 

You can also order your fresh veggies special delivery! There are many parts of the country that don’t get as cold, including California and Florida. This mild climate allows them to ship out fresh produce year-round! This is the best option for those who have certain recipes in mind because you can choose what goes into your cart. 
Just note that, while it will still be delicious and nutritious, it won’t be quite as mind-blowing as if it was truly grown in season, Brendan Corkery reminds us. There are many online services that will let you order fresh produce to your door – just search for “fresh produce delivery.”

Brendan Corkery is passionate about food. He started with an affinity for homestyle cooking and grew that hobby into a thriving restaurant management business. Today, Brendan Corkery has helped to rebuild and strengthen several previously struggling restaurant chains after buying them out and replacing the existing structure with his own strong management style. Brendan focuses heavily on the importance of fresh, in-season foods and encourages everyone to buy the highest-quality, local food they can afford. 
Brendan Corkery Discusses How to Get Fresh Veggies in

Brendan Corkery Discusses How to Get Fresh Veggies in
