Every three years the LCMS (Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod) Youth Gathering is held for five days in a major city and provides thousands of youth and adults the chance to be in community together, grow in their walks with Jesus Christ, and worship along side one another. 2019's Youth Gathering was held in Minneapolis, MN.

Each of the eight Concordia Universities in the Concordia University System (CUS) traditionally have booth space in the interactive center of the Youth Gathering conference area. Below is the interactive booth space I designed for Concordia University Wisconsin & Ann Arbor.
Below is the exterior wall design of the booth. These walls focused on showing what life looks like on campus by highlighting our students. The back walls (the sections with our the Wisconsin and Michigan state silhouette and campus aerial photos) served as a photo background for people to take selfies.
Interior wall design. Our Admissions team wanted to give the people who stepped into the space a snapshot of what life could look like on campus. The interior walls were designed as a stylized residence hall room, and included an interactive virtual tour through the use of strategically placed qr codes which linked to 360° panoramic images of some of the most popular locations on campus.
Overhead view of the booth layout, with corresponding wall labels for the images above.
Youth Gathering Booth

Youth Gathering Booth
