Alejandra Medina sin profilJose Carlos Cantú sin profil

2035 Ford Concept Car - CHAMÄLEON


In the next 15 years, the technologies that will be developed will be used to create autonomous mobility transport systems. These systems will only prosper if society begins to adapt to the implications of a true collective system, where the participation of industries and The government is essential to improve the quality of life of the people and be the breaking point to dignify the pedestrian experience and the of use renewable energies

 Our goal is to re-design the experience inside the autonomous car through a conceptual proposal of its interior for the year 2035. We seek to generate trust, joy, security and freedom for users through a totally new experience. We began by conducting research on the topics covered by the conceptual development of an autonomous car; to begin with, the materials and technologies that will be implemented by the year 2035. ​​​​​​​
The megatrends and future trends were relevant to deepen as these are incorporated into our proposal. Next, we define the stakeholders and drivers: geopolitics, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, climate change, and demographics, which allowed us to create numerous scenarios. Knowing the possibilities of the future, we created 5 People with different profiles and identified within the scenarios. 
Chamäleon represents adaptability and resilience due to its constant changes to cope with the environment and / or the dangers to which it is exposed and its autonomy.
These people allow us to design their own scenarios and recognize the needs of use that once determined the functions, materials and technologies for the car. Our ideation process was carried out through sketches and the combination of technologies and use needs. To our final selection, we add a series of visual features that we call Product Values. This last proposal came to life by making a connection with an element of nature, which defines and represents it perfectly.
2035 Ford Concept Car - CHAMÄLEON

2035 Ford Concept Car - CHAMÄLEON
