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Abstract Modular Poster Series

Abstract Modular Poster Series
This series of abstract posters uses modular shapes to create a framework for a blended mix of illustrations, images and textures to converge. This design is in conjunction with various typographic messages that align with the unique modular shape of each design.
Poster 1: Seemingly Damned from the Start
The message behind the this line revolves around the idea of how an individual, idea, or concept begins on the wrong footing. Whether that may be the wrong intentions, a lack of tools to complete a task or the wrong place at the wrong time. The race lost, before the runner step foot on the track.
The visual aspect of this poster finds contrast where  molten liquid like shapes juxtaposes a study statue and angular shapes. The composition is fixed within an angular grid with a secondary mask of the flowing shapes. Typography is implemented following this grid and blending into the random design elements. 
Poster 2: Potential For Greatness
The two word in this poster is missing the word that joins them "For", I ultimately didn't include this in my poster because I thought the two words together would be adequate for interpretation. This composition is fixed within a grid that is made up of elements deriving from a circle and a square, the end result is both flowing and angular. Various texture and shape blend to spark intermittent passages of coherence within the design's overall random makeup. Cohesion also exists from the established grid system.  
Poster 3: One Size Fits All
This message is part of an originally longer statement I wrote,
"A metaphor I find to be fitting to the newspaper, was they would take a one-size-fits-all approach to making decisions... ...It’s quite idiosyncratic that through their attempt at appealing to the most people possible, they lacked the personality that people actually wanted."
What I thought was an interesting statement that related to the specific subject, it later sparked a chain of thought in my mind about where the philosophy of "One size fits all" exists in my life and where it doesn't. As how H&M is targeted at the largest target market possible whereas a more niece brand perfects it's aim at a niece culture / target market. 
That aside, the composition fits inside a system of circular and crescent form, negative space in this grid framework creates petal and triangular shapes.  Considering the result of elements that exist within this framework, I'm reminded of cookie cutter shapes and trimmings.  Contrasting media blends to create aggressive character in the poster an abstract effect I'm drawn towards. 
Abstract Modular Poster Series

Abstract Modular Poster Series
