Profiel van Alexis Player

Nonobjective Paper Sculpture

A nonobjective paper sculpture. In this piece I wanted to play with aspects of asymmetrical balance.
It took me a very long time to come up with a concept for my sculpture. I am typically a 2-D objective artist, so creating a 3-D nonobjective piece was not what I am used to. In order to make the round overall shape of this piece I used a balloon. I drew and cut out what seemed like millions of small circles with internal patters, and shaped them into cones of various widths and heights. I would then glue them to the balloon using a clear glue so that when the balloon was removed there would be a clear space through which you could view the inside of the sculpture. I was really working with the variety of shapes and textures I could use. I played around with the sharpness of the cone forming around the round shape of the balloon. I also played with the pattern of the sculpture in the way that I cut the cones. As the shapes get nearer to the bottom, the more empty space they contain. 
Nonobjective Paper Sculpture

Nonobjective Paper Sculpture



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