Anastasia Mazeina profili

Folk Tale Week November 2020

I'm joined folktale week for the first time! 
Folktale Week 2020 was developed by a group of talented artists from all around the world. 
This is official prompts for #folktaleweek2020 in November.
1. Birth
2. Ritual
3. Courtship
4. Solstice
5. Death
6. Harvest
7. Dance
It will be my own fairytale about Star, Moon and Sun.
There is a world, which fragile equilibrium rests on two Custodians.

Once in millennia, two children are born marked by the signs of a Moon and a Star. Blessed they are by long life and magic.

Alas, the price for practical immortality and control of the great forces is eternal solitude.
Two towers stand tall on the edges of the World. Both The Black and The White equally afar from the magnificent City of The Sun.

At the dawn of the World, the Mages and the Death sealed a pact. Custodians, each yielding the heavy burden of the magic, shall be confined to the halls of their great towers, and the Death, respecting the universal equilibrium, shall keep its gaze away from this World.

Each evening the World falls asleep when the most ancients of all birds - the primordial Star-eyed Night covers it with her wings and sings a tender lullaby.
Only twice a year, on the solstices, when the darkness and light freeze in a momentary hesitation before changing the tide of their eternal dance, Custodians may leave their towers.

Turned into foxes, free from the burden of their duty, they dance and cheer the beauty of their World in the open.
Once, the White Fox found himself in a dark forest only to see the dance of the Black Fox. Never before they see each other, but it took no time for them to fall in love.
Hand in hand and full of resolve, Custodians appealed to the Sun to undo the ancient ritual.

- It's not in my power. - Told the Sun.
- Bring your plea to the Death, but be aware, the price it would demand is high.
- Chose, - Death said. - Magic, eternal life, even turning into the jolly foxes - all of these will be gone if you chose to be together. And one day, I'll come for you. Or...

Death had not yet finished speaking as both fox masks with all the magic imbued into them were lying before its feet.

- I accept your offering! - Death smiled.
The very same fall, during a Grand Harvest Festivities, Custodians married and were crowned by the Dark Forest denizens.

Among a plethora of guests were the Bird-Night and other fairy beasts, sorcerers and wizards, kings and queens, and even Death himself.

Dances yield to songs, and songs turned to dances. Cheer and laughter were everywhere.
Many years later, Death visited them one more time.

By that time, descendants of the Custodians spread all over the World.

There were known to be bold and courageous, and their eyes were shining with the starlight.

They found delight in dancing with foxes under the light of the Moon and dare to play with Death.

Some say even now, the Worlds fragile balance hangs on an intricate dance between stars and the Moon.
Thank you for the organization of this art week and thank you for my boyfriend to translate this story!
Folk Tale Week November 2020
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Folk Tale Week November 2020

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