Perfil de Leah Wahnee

Rollerball Backstage Info

Rollerball Game

Here's a side by side of what I was thinking to format the intro of my game, I had multiple details I wanted to add into my game. I ended up making a less detailed and a much more simplified intro and thumbnail image. It doesn't include the title but when playing the game, the title and start button pop on screen to fill up the unnecessary negative space.

Here's one of my favorite Meshes that came out of the project. I knew that I wanted a spinning toy obstacles, my first thought  was a tridel. Down below show's the before and after of the drawing and mesh.
You can't see it properly here but they have both wings and no color attached so in game they cant be decorated and colored to which ever liking I have. Another animated Mesh I have in the collection to have.
When thinking of the theme of my game, I thought of a child's room and one obvious toy that I had to make was a toy block with the letters and numbers on the side. The soft edges to give off the soft and safe aura. One of the many meshes that weren't animated but one of the few that I truly enjoyed creating. The colors and texture thought of as I was making it.
One of the only Meshes that I messed with the figure with a brush, wanting to make a better realistic rubber duck. A must have in a child's room or at least for a bath and one of my favorite objects to have as a child. Couldn't do much but was enjoyable to make, had to cut it short due to the amount of mesh's had to make at the time
Down below are the remaining Meshes that I didn't properly have sketches for and that were a bit simpler to make then the others. Few among my favorite is the Top Hat and the Jack in the Box. One of the few animated Meshes among my Dynamic Meshes.
The gifs are a bit similar to the ones above but please notice how the ones down here, are you the few animated meshes that you will come across in the game. they'll block your passage for a short moment or quick enough to lose your momentum of passing carefully.
Both of these are the Games, the first link is the first version and the second link is the updated version! Please comment and Play them if you can, if not. Enjoy these gifs and my many Meshes created.
Rollerball Backstage Info
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Rollerball Backstage Info

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