
Kalon Birchwald was the son to a wealthy industrial family's business focused around military technology such as drones, physical enhancements, and reconnaissance known as "Birch Treaty". After a series of questionable lawsuits perpetrated by his father to eliminate smaller business competition caught the attention of the local gangs, every factory around the city they called their home, Suvieta, went up in a gout of flame and shrapnel. This event is known to the populace as "The Birchwald Extinction", and along with his family's factories, his childhood home was destroyed as well. His immediate family was killed, and all others who carried the Birchwald name mysteriously disappeared.

Kalon lost both his arms and his right leg in the explosion, and suffered severe burns and scarring on the remainder of his body. After dragging himself, bleeding, from the rubble, he was able to convince the wandering enemy gang that found him that he was just a butler. The burns had made him unrecognizable, so his plan worked, and they brought him to the local hospital where he was healed to the best of the doctors' abilities and he was fitted with a prosthetic leg. His arms were too damaged to be fitted with their own prosthesis.

After his recovery, he retreated to the inner city and found a home in the slums, begging for scraps, and even selling the cosmetic parts of his prosthesis to make ends meet. After several years. Traces of him vanished from all of Suvieta, until rumors of a masked and armored man, missing half his limbs, began to spread between the myriad of gangs around the city. He fought indiscriminately, exacting his vengeance upon any of the Suvietan gangs, not just the one that destroyed his family.

And so now, whenever gangs meet up for any exchange or fight, they are warned of Quod Fierent, The Lawbringer.


