Restaurant menu and expansion
The Ask/The Challenge/Project Statement
With this project, I had to create a menu with a limited amount of fonts, colors, and sizes. Near the end of the project I need to choose two fonts and can use any size I want, along with any colors but no image marks. For the expansion, I had to make an image mark for my final design along with a pattern that can be added to the menu. I had the same restaurant throughout the project which is Trumpet Blossom Cafe, a vegan cafe.  
Target/Intended Audience
The target audience is vegans or people who want to try something different. 
At first, we were messing with layouts. The first layout we only used one font, the second we could mess with sizings, then different sizing, then boldness, then two different fonts. I had to look up different vegan restaurants that were not Trumpet Blossom. I looked at Veggie Grill, Fusian, and other places that offered vegan food. Then once I had a style I liked, I created three different menus with completely different designs, then I had to choose the best out of those three. 
Design Process
When I got to the final design, I went for that trendy chalkboard theme. When I had to design icons I went with simple lined foods such as a head of lettuce, vegan cheese, tofu, and sprouts, which were placed on the restaurant menu. Then I made a hip coffee shop pattern by using the icons along with the word vegan and The name of the cafe. I then added some lines and filler marks and repeated the pattern. I made it all the same color and make a title page for the menu with the pattern in the background. 
Design Solution
My design definitely reminds me of a hipster coffee shop, but I think it suits it. Since vegan restaurants are more of a new thing, I think it should have some fun trendy designs that would make the younger generation interested. 
Hierarchy Grid

Hierarchy Grid
