Collaboration with Absolut Vodka / 3editions for ABSOLUT HIBISKUS - the first floral flavour to join its proud family of flavours
From his virtual space at room99, Kuala Lumpur, digital artist Tan Howe Qin specialises in experimenting with black, grey and white in his work. He particularly likes showcasing electronic and robotic elements on objects.
To express the power of the hibiscus flower, I fused it with digital electronic robotic elements to make it even stronger. For the country to move forward, I felt that it’s imperative for the nation to be empowered with these elements. Digital robotic is the future of Malaysia!
This piece was a little daunting for me, as I’ve never combined a flower with robotic elements. So I could say that the task itself was quite challenging. But with some innovative thinking, I took the bull by the horns. In terms of colours, I used black, grey and white to present the artwork, whilst a hint of purple and yellow was used to sync with ABSOLUT HIBISKUS.
absolut hibiskus

absolut hibiskus

