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Rietveld Prize 2020

Rietveld Prize 2020
The best of architecture and urban design in Utrecht 

The Rietveld Prize Foundation awards a prize every two years to a designer who has made an important contribution to the quality of the built environment in the city of Utrecht. A jury consisting of Marlies Rohmer, Machiel Spaan, Alenca Mulder and Marit Overbeek assessed the 2017-2019 construction production. The winner of the Rietveld Prize 2020 is architect Annebregje Snijders with the canopy of the Leidsche Rijn Centrum bus station.
Since its founding in 1991, a publication has been published at the Rietveld Prize. Always a square format of 24 x 24 cm and 48 pages. Within this tradition, we have been asked to use the same starting points and come up with a fresh and new look at the concept and design.
In this new concept we made clear choices: plenty of room for the image essay; texts mainly typographic and pleasant to read; the theme essay has a distinctive design. The result is a fresh, clear and readable publication with a fantastic image essay by Nadine van den Berg.

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Book: 240 x 240 mm / 48 pages
Edition: Dutch
Publisher: Uitgeverij Thoth
Commissioned by: Stichting Rietveldprijs Utrecht, The Netherlands
Editors: Arjan den Boer and Mark Hendriks
Authors: Marit Overbeek, Merel Pit, Tim Verlaan
Book Design: Beukers Scholma

ISBN 978-90-6868-826-9

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Rietveld Prize 2020

Rietveld Prize 2020
