Perfil de Anderson Yap


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Glitch represent to FUTURE
VHS tape & broken texture represent to PASSED
“FUTURE PASSED” as a title of this project is to meant we passed
the future and also the comparison between future and
passed, in this project will use old stuff or normal environment
to represent “PASSED” and the visual effect apply on the
PASSED is represent to “FUTURE” combine it becomes “FUTURE
PASSED”. The vision of this project is to create a different perspective
and imagination of the world from the mind that can
be anything such as the environment or the old object. This project
is to show the future world and also the comparison with the
old technology (past) and new (future) technology. The impact of
this project will be to let the audience define the evolution of
technology is good or bad in our daily life.

As we know technology has changed a lot and keeps changing
fast every year to make people rely on technology. We don’t
know how the future looks like so some of the chapters from this
project will be showing the imagination of the future world. But
when we back to now, many things already changing with the
development of technology such as a mobile phone when the
phone back to the year-ago that just a calling and message
black and white phone but back to now the mobile phone can
do many things such as radio, camera, games, reading and
others. So the mission of this project is to create a 8 chapter
video clip representing different evolution technologies and
the future imagination world

Chapter One: Beware
In the year 2020, the world surrounding pandemic of Covid 19, which means is the purpose of this chapter is to show the Covid 19 is around us and we should always protect ourselves and outside is a dangerous place.
Chapter Two: Future
This chapter is to create an imaginary future world when the future world becomes an information technology world and high technology. We can see any information with the AR technology in the world and the information can keep updating compare to old (now) technology that still signboard when we need to change the information from the signboard, needs much time and energy to do it.
Chapter Three: Reading
Nowadays no matter reading a book or the newspaper people will use a phone or tablet to read it with few clicks like we also use social media Facebook to read the latest news so we also use some apps to read novels. From the e-book, we also can read other people’s reviews on the books. The purpose of this chapter is to ask a question to the audience will technology makes reading better?
Chapter Four: Play
The video game console keeps changing with the transformation of technology. From the Magnavox Odyssey to the Nintendo switch, in this chapter ‘GameBoy’, will choose as the main character in the video clips, because Game Boy is the fourth generation of console games and the middle generation from the eighth generation. This chapter will apply the new type of method of playing game visual effect on the Gameboy.
Chapter Five: Calling
With the rapid development of technology mobile already become an important part of technology for humans and especially these 20 years, the changes in mobile are keeping changing from a black and white mobile “calling message” phone to a colors all-in-one mobile phone. The purpose of this chapter is to show the comparison between the old technology.
Chapter Six: Tick-tick-tick
Back to the old generation, a watch or clock is just a method for knowing the time. With the development of technology, a watch can be doing many things such as monitoring heart rate, tracking daily footsteps, viewing the message even answering the call.
Chapter Seven: Art Gallery
“Artist became famous after death.” The reason is that most of the artist born at in wrong times they did not have more chances to expose their self and they become famous when they die like Vincent van Gogh but with the evolution of technology and new media, most of the new artist from new generation can easily upload or public they self on the internet such as DeviantArt this chapter also a comparison between the old art gallery and the digital gallery.
Chapter Eight: Eyes
In the beginning of spectacles is a tool for short sight people with time spectacles become a decoration tool for people and with the development of Augmented reality technology, spectacles become an important vision to view the augmented reality effect like google glasses is a connection with the phone but place and mix with the real life. We can do many things with AR spectacles like have a real-life road track.




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