Givenchy Rebrand

This motion graphic is created for an Instagram Storie Ad. Directed to young adult audience who spends most of their time in Social Media.
This video is to be put in front of the store as an immersive store experience for consumers to see as they pass by the store or are about to go inside.
This motion graphic is a Jumbotron for the Givenchy store in the UK, introducing the new logo and the new era. 
Design by: Sophie Tatarchuk, DeShaun Gales, Alice Garsia
Course: CT303 Dynamic Branding: Advertising & Digital Design, FIT
Professors: Christie Shin, C.J. Yeh

Please note: This classroom project was created for the course “CT303 Dynamic Branding.” This is purely for educational purposes and I do not claim any textual information and/or photos.
Givenchy Rebrand
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Projeto feito para

Givenchy Rebrand

Givenchy Redesign All model images are credited to Givenchy.

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