Profil Bill Matthew Dee

"Mister Doll" Series from 30 Days of Men's Fashion

"Mister Doll" Series

This project is a breakout of my innovative thinking. This is from the #30dayprojectsociety that I've done for the whole October. The boxes represents the social media that I believe everyone is in this perfect box, trying to avoid the flaws that should be embraced in the first place. For the names, I thought about putting the alternative names of Bill, which is my name. The main inspiration of this project is the "De Stijl" Art movement, focusing only the primary colors which is red, yellow, blue. I would say this is an achievement because I made other guys feel like they should feel beautiful in their own way. 
"Mister Doll" Series from 30 Days of Men's Fashion

"Mister Doll" Series from 30 Days of Men's Fashion
