Save The Salmon Initiative  
Who doesn't like a good salmon dinner? Salmon is quite a well known type of fish but what many do not know is the danger that they are in. Over the years, we have seen a decline in reproduction of salmon leading to lower population growth. While this is happening, many fishermen still go out and hunt for large salmon which causes an imbalance because at that age, the salmon would be at their prime time to reproduce. However, there are many reasons why salmon populations are decreasing other than overfishing. Many passive actions of pollution cause massive damage to this species which is caused by many. 

I have taken two passions of mine, fishing and environmental science, and developed a campaign focused on some of the main causes of pollution. Littering and air quality are major factors that does not just effect salmon but all aquatic wildlife. Many of these icons can be used as a symbol of what we can do to make a difference for these creatures.
The Battle for Salmon

The Battle for Salmon

