Pune, India

Summer 2020
Pavillion for Street Vendors
The Shed is a free standing structure located in the center of the city of Pune, India, in the Shivaji Market Area.  The Shivaji Market neighbourhood is a go-to place for buying fresh vegetables, fruits and meats for a large number of people.  However, the adjacent lane to this market has been taken over by fruit vendors, over a period of time, who have put up temporary stalls with impermanent roofs made of sheet metal and plastic sheets, as protection from the summer sun and heavy monsoon rains.  

Therefore, this free standing structure: the Shed, acts as an awning for the street vendors in the Shivaji Market fruit lane. Located in the heart on the city, the structure is a juxtaposition to the 100 year old heritage structure - Shivaji Market.

The Shed takes its form from the grid that the neighbour- ing buildings create, standing out due to its uniqueness in com- parision to the near-by buildings. Hence, calling out to the community people.

The design intends to highlight the overall cultural importance of the city by taking on seasonal functions based on the different celebrations of different festivals throughout the the year.

With every festival comes a set of different functions and also weather conditions. The above studies aim at exploring the varied nature of these conditions to create interesting settings within the free standing strcuture. These festivals would act as key driving forces to amplify the cultural significance of this market place and also increase its overall footprint. The constant modification of the structure also involves labour that would improve the economic status of the fruit vendors, involved in making the design decisions for these festivals. 

On other days, however, the structure acts as a Shed to the fruit vendors of the locality. 
The Shed

The Shed

