Iconic MosQue Competition

 Arab Republic of Egypt
All Rights Reserved
EMAAR has invited various Architects/Design Firms to compete at a Community Mosque Design Competition for their developments; Marassi, Uptown and MIVIDA. Marassi’s Mosque was requested to be Modern/contemporary theme over a land area of 3,500 square meters and footprint around 1,500 square meters. The Mosque shall be suitable for 1,000 prayers. As for the Uptown Mosque, it was requested to use traditional Mamloiquen elements and mix it with Uptown design theme. The Mosque had a plot area around 4,430 square meters and footprint area around 1,000 square meters and shall occupy 1,200 prayer. The Mivida Mosque shall reflect the surrounding scheme as it shall not be exclusive for Mivida residences. It has a land area around 6,140 square meters and footprint area around 1,350 square meters. The Mosque shall occupy 1,000 prayers.
Project Team  : Eng/Ahmed el komy , samaa el turkey 
Visualization Team : Esraa Rafat , omneya el assy 
Supervision : HOD Mostafa Amer
Client       : Emaar
Type       : MosQue
Year        : 2018
Location : Uptown Cairo -  Egypt                                  
Iconic MosQue Competition

Iconic MosQue Competition

Iconic Mosque  www.distancestudio.com https://www.behance.net/distance_studio  ©2018.Distance Studio Consultants.All Rights Reserved
