Assignment Commited for grade for my Introduction to 3D Modeling at Animschool, from top to bottom, "Modeling a vehicle from a desing: "Bubble" Submarine from Jake Parker's desing" and "Modeling a character's face from a desing: Disney like Male Character from Borja Montoro desing"
Character modeled in intermediate modeling class under the tutoring of the talented Character Modeler Mr. Brien Hindman from Disney Animation Studios still need to do the hair right and pose her in an appealing pose
The improved female character, who I'm calling Danielle, still working on the rigging though, a very high quality one...
3D Modeling

3D Modeling

Two of the desings I modeled as part of the my Introduction to 3D Modeling Course at Animschool under the tutoring of Mr. Florian Perret


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