Pat Abutog 的个人资料

Collection of Random animations

A collection of random animations (2019 - 2020)

Twirl twirl ☺ & From Blood to Flowers​​​​​​​

An exercise for 2d animation with overlaying sound effects and vocals. 
*Did my own vocals here :') as an exercise too.


Tututurut : Duk U


Chuu :*

practice animation and sfx, inspired by @sawako_kabuki ✨🥵💓


Hiraya Type Challenge

A design/animation company I'm working for did a type challenge 
as our personal exercise and project.

*All sfx are by : Chi Jihan our awesome 
Creative Director at Hiraya Mnl

Trial in Denial

A very short personal animation


Gifs of nothingness

Collection of Random animations


Collection of Random animations
