ADA Compliant Website Design And Development Agency

More and more businesses that operate online are becoming aware that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to their web-based activities (especially with the rising number of lawsuits drawing the issue to public attention), and wondering what ADA Website Compliance involves. You can begin making your website more accessible pretty easily!

Top 5 resources for building ADA compliant websites :

1. Web Accessibility Initiative
2. The Admin Bar Podcast
3. The Penn State Accessibility Checklist
4. Free tools for testing for accessibility
5. Github’s Accessibility Guide

Of course, the best way to get the accessibility of your site evaluated is by getting a focus group organised to test the accessibility and usability of your site, but the reality is not many go to these lengths. Note too, Automatic tests like the ones listed have many limitations!
ADA Compliance Website Development
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ADA Compliance Website Development

Is your website compliant?

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