Profiel van Sydney Lee

The Edge by Creative Youth Network (2018)

Led by Creative Youth Network, in partnership with Arnolfini, RISE Youth Dance, Studio 7 and Bath Spa University. Written by Edson Burton. Made by the young people of Bristol.

The Edge is an immersive live performance that explores the heights and depths of the ‘reality’ fame machine: wealth, greed, and the need to be better than you are.

A group of young female artists including me were in charge of the set decorations for the different performance spaces namely The Makeover (The Bootcamp), Top Trumps (The Boardroom), Elevate (The Arena) and Stockholm (The Hotel Room). 

I was responsible for editing videos for projections in The Arena and my experimental film Tissues was playing on one of the TVs in The Hotel Room. Our team's other duties included prop-making, material sourcing, set design and tech setup. 

Led Designer: Emily Dunlop 
Visual Artists: Esther Hesketh, Frances Kelly, Gwen Davenport, Jessica Wardle-Twitchen, Lee Sydney, Molly Thomas, Natasha Parker 

Photos by Frances Kelly
Edited by yours truly, video projection for The Edge live theatre event

Footage: Lee Sydney, Emily Dunlop, archive
The Edge by Creative Youth Network (2018)

The Edge by Creative Youth Network (2018)
