Perfil de Elizabeth Jisha

Motion Graphics: Design Thinking Process

The project was to create an infographic explainer animation on the process of Design Thinking using Adobe Photoshop.
The first step was to research and understand the steps involved in the design thinking process, as well as the target audience.

The design objective was to create an engaging 15 seconds infographics explainer video on the process of design thinking, using only shapes, text, and colors along with music and sound effects with the target audience being regular people.

Began the process of ideation by creating a mindmap followed by a mood board of the gifs and animations that caught my attention. I was able to research more about the steps involved in the process and figure out the icons I wanted to use in the project to convey a clear message to the user/target audience. And so, after mind mapping, I created the mood board for the project with the designs that I felt were engaging.
Mood board
The next was to create a narrative prototype, known as a storyboard with a rough sketch of the icons and animation that I had in mind. Started with dividing the scenes and giving each scene a minimum of 1-second duration followed by the description of the animation in each scene. 
After storyboarding, I downloaded a few of the icons and assets that I needed from Undraw and modified it according to what I had in mind using Adobe Illustrator. The next step was to create layers for the animation scenes using timeline in Adobe Photoshop. There are a total of 8 scenes, with each scene having more than 6 layers.
Timeline and Layers
Layer Keyframes
Scene Animation
This project was an entirely new experience, which I enjoyed as I was able to learn more about motion graphics and use the timeline feature of Adobe Photoshop to its maximum. I was able to use the Principles of Animation effectively through this project, especially Timing and Spacing and Follow through and Overlapping action. The initial scenes took a long time when compared to the final few scenes as I got a lot more familiar with the keyframes and the animation process towards the end. Overall I was able to push my boundaries a little more and try out something entirely different from what I have been doing.
Motion Graphics: Design Thinking Process


Motion Graphics: Design Thinking Process
