Bogdan Tomashevsky's profile

Public art sculpture Monument to the Сity

Fine Arts
The idea for these sculptures was taken from my ceramic art work Albuquerque
Long-term project Monument to the City
object 1/10, material metal,
330x200, 500x300, 580x350 cm,

A quote of Remark from the novel "Three Comrades" was taken as the main concept of the project: "A man behaves strangely, constructs monuments of his own. Why not put a monument of the moon or bridal tree in bloom? ..."
(c) E.M. Remark

Being an artist, I wanted to invent and create a monument that is not just standard and ordinary; I wanted to create something unusual for example a monument to the whole city.
In this work, I show “the city” as a series of abstract light geometric sculptural elements.
The idea and concept of the “Monument to the City” is to create a series of public sculptures in the cities of Europe and the world.
Curators and art institutions are welcome to cooperate, I will be glad to create such sculpture as a monument to a new city!.

Curator: Denis Belkevich, Olya Tolstunova, Karina Kachurovskaya
Location: Feldman Art Park, Kharkov, Ukraine, 2015
Public art sculpture Monument to the Сity


Public art sculpture Monument to the Сity
