Mr Phan's profile


Once upon a time, there was a monochrome forest. It looked dark and cold. Icidentally, one day, color grew on the residents' skin of the forest. I live in that magical forest. They called me Mr. Monkey.
In the lonely night, a flower was blooming.
Watercolor on Canson paper
"Peahen Peahen"
Under her Lotus Hat, Peahan vomited a lot of cherries
​Watercolor on Canson paper
"The red Apple for the Monkey"
In the forest, the Monkey achieved a red apple. He kept holding it for hours because he hesitated to eat.
Watercolor on Canson paper
"You don't sing anymore"
A brave little bird had sung loudly the royal's secret, then the king took the poor bird's head offs
Watercolor on Canson paper
"My Spring Hat"
Spider wanted to make a hat, she collected a lot of butterflies.
Watercolor on Canson paper
"Emerald  Dragonfly"
There had been no color in the forest until a blue dragonfly came to visit there.
​Watercolor on Canson paper



There was a monochrome forest, dark and cold One day the color grow on the residents's skin of the forest.
