FMK Posters

These are some selected posters created for various events, lectures, workshops, etc. at the Faculty for Media and Communication in Belgrade. Enjoy!

The Faculty of Media and Communications (FMK), University of Singidunum, was established in 2006 as a unique higher education institution in Serbia that brings together progressive thinkers, teachers and media and communication practitioners in the region. The mission of the Faculty of Media and Communications is to provide its students with quality education according to the highest European and international standards and to empower them to understand, participate and promote positive changes in Serbia.

Poster for a workshop about identity.

Poster for a lecture by Melisa E. Logan of the art group CHICKS ON SPEED.

A series of posters for various open lectures at the Faculty,

Poster for the Film Club of FMK

Poster for a lecture about cryptocurrency and blockchain. 

Poster for a movie discussion
Poster for a series of lectures about social choreographies
Poster for a public discussion about capitalism and immigration.

Poster for a conference on new media art.

Poster for a public discussion about alternatives to the EU model.

Poster for a workshop on career paths.
FMK Posters