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Inktober 2020 with Mental heath Associations (Part 1)

Inktober 2020 (Part 1)
Find me on Instagram as @vangodoodle
𝗜𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟭
Prompt: Fish
Mental Heath Association: Dissociation

Some nights I’m drowning
In my own sea of thoughts
And some nights I’m swimming gracefully through them.
Tonight, I’m trying to find a middle ground.
A middle wave to surf, and come away drenched in contentedness.


𝗜𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟮
Official Prompt: Wisp
Mental Health Association: Rage

Tw: Reference to sexual violence

Generations of patriarchy
have been pouring fuel into our fire
Stoking our flames thinking they have us under control
Thinking they get to decide when we rage and when we simmer down
Thinking they get to spill
water on our warmth,
dust on our depth,
cover on our cries of protest.
Watch as a generation of women
ignite flames in their daughters and sons
And build a fire that will surround anyone
who dares to say
“You’re a woman, know your place”.
Listen up loud and clear
My place is everywhere and here
I do not fear the fight for my daughters and her own
For our fire is ours to call home.
We live and breathe raging flames and until the fight is won
Our fire will burn wild and as one.


𝗜𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟯
Prompt: Bulky
Mental Health Association: Body Positivity

The weight I carry is that of your unrealistic expectations
That figure on a scale could be equated to the number of people whose eyes look to me
to conform to their ideals of beauty.
The only thing that’s bulky is the shame you try to inflict on me for the skin that carries my universe of a soul.
I am layers of goodness and truth and every stretch mark on me is a sign of my beauty overflowing, overwhelming the world around me.
I see my scars and I think of how my body consistently works to protect me.
Its sole mission to keep me going.
I celebrate my body, I celebrate my skin,
And everything it holds within.


𝗜𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟰
Prompt: Radio
Mental health Association: Inside Voices

I hear too much.
there's voices inside and voices outside.
and voices in texts and voices in swipes.
there's chaos building between every story swipe
and noise waiting to be heard behind every tap of the screen
there's voices that find their way into my head
without me allowing them in
and they sound out things that no one else can hear
like I've tuned in to a frequency that's dedicated to me
and it sounds out, raging alarms some days
and radio silences some others
Screaming to me about love
then whispering to me about pain
but there never is an in-between.
I no longer know which voices speak truth
I no longer have control on which station to tune into,
which one I can trust
So most days I just sit back, and listen.

𝗜𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟱​​​​​​​
Prompt: Blade
Mental health Association: Self-Harm

And If the blade must become your god,
may it be a god that fights for the path ahead and not end it before you even begin.
May it slash through any doubt that you have a place in this universe
and instead, be your weapon
against the thoughts that threaten.
May you wield it only to remind yourself
you have more power staring it down,
you have enough power to remold it,
wear it as your crown.
Know you’re bigger than it,
Know you’re stronger than it,
even if in the moment,
it deems you weak.
If the blade must become your god,
I hope it remains your sword and shield.
For we have lost too many warriors
who simply thought they were not worthy of the fight
When in reality, they were our best on the battlefield.
I hope you know, you have people willing to help you wield that sword,
until you have the strength to hold it on your own again.

𝗜𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟳
Prompt: Fancy
Mental health Association: Social Inequality

Someone taught the many to believe
we aren’t all made of the same fabric,
and that worthiness of life is based on a standard
that was once created to discriminate.
So now we sit in our fancy Ivory towers,
bothered by a pea under 20 stories of concrete.
So much so, that we’ve begun to ignore
the atrocities right under our noses
I suppose we’re too used to our comfort zones
and now that we’re being shown a mirror that reflects our privileges,
we’d rather shatter the glass, than uplift the masses.
Truth is, our fancy ivory towers mean nothing at all
if we can’t see we’re all living in the same reality.
Where lies are disguised as truth
And the voices we’re supposed to trust
are being muted with our hard earned money.
I hope you begin to see,
privileges aren’t just fancy.
They grant us a responsibility to even out the playing field
to be a strong foundation for everyone to build up on,
and to keep fighting, till everyone’s war is won.
𝗜𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟴
Prompt: Teeth
Mental health Association: Repressed Anger

When I was younger they told me anger is wrong.
That it's an emotion so strong you'll regret having it.
That it denotes you're a bad person if you express it.
So I repressed it. Held it back.
Invalidated it to a point where I no longer recognized it when it appeared before me.
And oh, how often it did appear to me.
I'd shun it away, telling it not to stay.
Until one day, I imploded and felt a burn within me start to eat at my soul
and I knew, I'd gone about something entirely wrong,
for a human who claims to be emotionally strong.
Anger was an emotion as valid as joy
and there was an ocean of it within me,
Waiting to crash against my shore.
It was every bit a part of me, as were my moments of sadness or surprise
And if you looked far out enough,
You’d could see my storm waiting on the horizon.
Hone your anger, acknowledge it when it rages up to your chest.
talk it out, lest you repress.
Choose how you channel it, check if it's going to stay
make room for understanding, and know it’s alright to let it have its way.

𝗜𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟵
Prompt: Throw
Mental health Association: Self-Worth

You deserved more than to be treated like ‘use and throw’.
You deserved to be held.
You deserved to be fought for,
Stood up for,
spoken well of,
and loved.
You deserve love.
But don’t you ever put your self worth in the hands of another.
I hope you learn that it’s no one’s responsibility but your own.
No one else can take care of you,
the way you doc and no one else should.
No one else can feel your power quite like the way you do.
The next time someone brings you their heart in offering,
be sure you don’t sell away your self-worth in exchange
Love is more potent when either side is brimming with self-respect and self-love
And has excess to give the other.
Don’t settle when you know you deserve more.
Don’t ever again, let yourself become another ‘use and throw’.

- @fayology47
𝗜𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟭𝟮
Prompt: Slippery
Mental health Association: Addiction

The fall is easy
getting a grip is the real challenge.
Finding that sweet spot between caution and throwing it to the wind.
Between losing yourself to the thrill
and finding yourself amidst the path.
I put a paper roll of substance between my lips and pull air
And then on, I’m on a tightrope.
I could find my footing, or slip into an abyss.
Same goes for a sip of whiskey,
a rush of adrenaline,
or the first time you really feel connected to another human.
It’s an easy descent, once you’re in motion.
A want to FEEL something, anything
and when you do, it’s slippery,
it could go either way.
Just know, it doesn’t get to decide for you.
It has no power over you.
You give it power, and you can choose to cut it off.
And if you find yourself at the lowest end, be grateful for small mercies, like knowing that there’s only one way back.
and it’s yours to conquer.

𝗜𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟭𝟯
Prompt: Dune
Mental health Association: Mindfulness

There’s a low whisper in the winds,
and it sounds like it’s singing my name.
Like it knows when I’m tuning in
and acknowledges it all the same
It tells me to stop running away from the day
And that yesterday is for history books to date
All I have is now,
and all I can control is how this song plays out.
I can listen carefully, and make it my own.
But life doesn’t have a ‘fast-forward’, nor a ‘rewind’
And that’s why I know, ‘now-playing’
is better than what’s to come
and better than what’s left behind.
I’m here and nowhere I’m not supposed to be
I’m right where the winds planned
And right where I can be my best ‘me’.
My song is infinite, even in this moment,
and I know the best I can do to belong,
Is simply just sing along.


𝗜𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟭𝟰
Prompt: Armor
Mental Health Association: Emotional Healing

It’s second nature now,
reaching into the closet and pulling out the armor
donning it with grace,
whenever I’m made to feel I’ve been stripped off my place.
It’s a guard so meticulously made to fit,
over-worn and adapted to my ways.
For every time something in me breaks,
It needs time and space,
and immense grace
to heal and replace all of me
that was awoken in vain.
So the walls come up,
the fortress made stronger
And some say I won’t be long here.
But I’ve sought refuge so often now,
It’s come to feel like I belong here.
Yet I know, there will be a day again,
When I can brave the boundaries
armor and all, and not be afraid of a fall.
But today I buckle in, and keep all of me safe from pain
And make empty promises to myself that I’ll never put my heart on the line again.

Inktober 2020 with Mental heath Associations (Part 1)


Inktober 2020 with Mental heath Associations (Part 1)

For inktober this year, I decided to make art with a mental health association along with each prompt. A wonderful poet friend- Faye D'cruz agree Read More
