TEFL Online Pro's profile

ESLinsider and TEFL Online Pro

ESLinsider and TEFL Online Pro

For the past year, Ian Leahy from ESLinsider (https://www.eslinsider.com/ / https://www.course.eslinsider.com/) has been trying to undermine the established, excellent reputation of TEFL Online Pro (https://teflonlinepro.com/) by spreading misleading content about us online. 

Ian likes to present himself as being an altruistic defender of the truth, but nothing could be further from the truth. 

Ian Leahy has a history of slinging mud at his competitors, in the hope that some sticks and in the hope that he then wins more business for himself - he has to pay for his shared apartment in Japan somehow. 

ESLinsider is little more than a poorly conceived scam. Buyer beware! 

ESLinsider and TEFL Online Pro

ESLinsider and TEFL Online Pro
