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5 Advantages of Spinal Decompression in Pickering

5 Advantages of Spinal Decompression in Pickering
Before you decide to have back surgery or decide that you’re doomed to a lifetime of lumbar pain, consider getting spinal decompression therapy in Pickering. This is a nonsurgical procedure is often a last-ditch effort from patients who haven’t gotten the results they want from other treatments. Adults with low back pain may choose decompression therapy after other doctors have recommended a spinal fusion, discectomy, or laminectomy. But, if you’re unsure about getting decompression therapy, we’re here to help make an informed decision. 

Benefits of decompression therapy to your spine

Helps in relieving nerve pressure.

The decompression machine gently moves your spine toward its correct position. Through this process, it helps remove the pressure that pushes the discs in your spine out of place, and in turn prevent the discs from pressing against nearby nerves. In many cases, it creates negative pressure in your spinal discs helps reduce pain and inflammation in your body. You may experience tingling, numbness, and burning sensations, but moving herniated or bulging discs away from nearby nerves helps prevent and decrease these issues.

Helps in preventing spinal surgery.

Spinal decompression can help some patients prevent or postpone spinal surgery, which includes spinal fusions or discectomy surgeries. This nonsurgical treatment alleviates their lower back pain, and some patients even experience relief after just one session, though ongoing care is typically required for optimal benefits. It works by gently stretching your spine, giving herniated discs a chance to slip back to their intended slots. 

They can help your spine heal from chronic pain.

Some treatments address flare-ups, but spinal decompression tackles chronic pain. It will help your body heal itself without surgery or other invasive procedures. Once your bulging discs retract, it’s easier for your body to distribute oxygen and other nutrients to your spinal area. This will then help your body repair damaged nerves and muscles by reducing swelling and inflammation. 

It can provide fast relief.

With spinal decompression, it doesn’t cause pain or discomfort, and the treatments last approximately 45 minutes. Many people experience decreased pain after one treatment, but you may need additional appointments to see the best results. Doctors from Apex Physiotherapy & Chiropractic want to make sure your spine stays in place, as discs tend to return to their preferred spots, even if it isn’t good for your body. With multiple sessions, your spine may retain the correct position, resulting in long-term relief from the constant pain that once plagued your body. 

It gently stretches your spine. 

Spinal decompression therapy stretches your spine, temporarily expanding the area around it so that discs can return to their correct places. This will also encourage fluid circulation in areas that were previously restricted, so your body can deliver much-needed nutrients to damaged or diseased parts of your spine. They may also combine other treatments, such as cold laser therapy or electrical stimulation, with your decompression.
Don’t let pain keep you from doing things that you enjoy. Check this out to learn how you can start treating your back pain without surgery or medication.
5 Advantages of Spinal Decompression in Pickering

5 Advantages of Spinal Decompression in Pickering

