interaction design, visual design, xaml development 
Agency splendid 
silverlight 3, xaml, microsoft expression 

British Airways approached splendid to aid them in a proof of concept exploreing new ways ofinteraction and user experience. Exploring the use of full screen videos, full screen images, real user accounts, interactive widgets to produce a full immersive experience for the user to emotivly shape, map and decide their holiday.
We focussed on the usee of antiheirachy, steering away from traditional forms of heirachy and navigation, shifting the and merging the online and real world experiences. The user has total control and is able to interact with every facet of this design. The use of existing features and functionality allowed us to rapidly design and build a fully working and functional ( all be it limited) internet applications in a space fo 4 weeks.
The interface is flexible, it can be used in multiple environments, from the retail space to touch screen devices.
British Airways

British Airways

British Airways approached splendid to aid them in a proof of concept exploreing new ways ofinteraction and user experience.
