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Brand strategy\\ Kasanova

Fast Moving Consumer Store
Kasanova is an Italian chain of retail stores that sell a wide range of household products. Their product line ranges from essentials like cookware, bed and bath-ware to decorative items like scented candles and household furniture. 

The current brand positioning, product portfolio and retail strategy is not cohesive with the needs of their future target. So, in this project the main aim was to revise the Kasanova  brand to perfectly cater to new consumer needs and leverage them to give millennials the shopping experience they seek and are used to.  ​​​​​​​
Main Objective:
Understanding our future target - Millennials   ​​​​​​​
Some questions asked!
Does discounted products makes an effect in today’s generation ?
What do millennials really want?
What are the living habits of millennials?
What are their current needs and Shopping behaviours?
Can the growth of other mass markets be a challenge for Kasanova ?
How could Kasanova’s revised brand value enhance millennials’ shopping experience by leveraging their ever changing consumer mindset and living habits?
Our approach 
Our first step was to understand the current values and short comings of kasanova and the needs of millennials, their purchasing and living habits. In the next stage, in order to understand from the consumer perspective we conducted in-depth interviews with millennials and post-millennials, to understand their tastes, behaviours and expectations better. Later we synthesised our many insights, trends and opportunities into various scenarios to develop our brand architecture and retail strategy.

Different millennial, Different needs.
We narrowed our target to millennials as we realised they have a higher buying power and capacity to take their own decisions. Through our findings we have analysed and discovered that millennials are not all the same. From students to young families, they are all part of this generation. From a consumer point of view, they have commonalities but also some important differences.

Our concept 
From this analysis, we have summarised this data into two great opportunities for two brands, to ultimately cater to two different types of clients. We condensed kasanova’s sub brands from over 6 to just two. Namely kasanova and kasanova+ in parallel to the needs of our chosen target segments, students and young professionals respectively.

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Brand strategy\\ Kasanova

Brand strategy\\ Kasanova
