If we are living in uncertain times and past times are something we understand to be certain, then how is it that no one saw this coming? Or did we? The only thing we can ever know for sure is what is happening right now... in the present. Or can we?
German theoretical physicist and a pioneer in quantum physics, Werner Heisenberg, would disagree. His uncertainty principle states that we can never know the exact location and speed of an object because of it’s wave-like and particle-like nature in the universe. Albert Einstein would add that how we observe something changes what is observed; it's all relative to the observer. Hugh Everett would take that further and theorize that every possible outcome of an event is simultaneously real but in an infinite number of universes that never interact with one another; that our reality is only one of many.
So then, what if we could freeze time to get an accurate measure of things? What if we could stop the momentum of a wave? What if we could see in the way another observer sees? 
What if we could go back in time to a singular moment? What if we could see through multiple dimensions? And what if we could capture emotion so others could experience it for themselves? 
Photography can.


