Inktober 2020
Day: 1
Prompt: Fish

"Oh, finally, after all this months in the Sea, a little piece of land where I can rest for a while! ...
What a luck - it even has it's own listening. It's petty that I don't have a book with me to read. " :D

Inktober 2020
Day: 2
Prompt: Wisp

"Well, this summer has been so hot. I can't stand my long hair anymore! I will cut it off...
There, one last wisp and I'm done. Oh, I feel better now. I guess that my hair is going to be long again until November. It is so cold in the winter."
In few seconds...
"Is going to grow long until then, right?... Right? RIGHT?!!!"
"Ahhh, Uaaaa..."(Crying) What I had done, what I had done!...":D

Inktober 2020
Prompt: Bulky

When my boyfriend is not at home for long and I miss him so much, I put on his bulky sweater and feel better. Not that lonely anymore. :)

nktober 2020
Prompt: Radio

Everytime when I look at our old radio I imagine it to be a head of some cute robot. So I decided to create one female robot out of some old, maybe unknown from the young generation, objects - like old telephone, gramophone record disc and cassettes and put her a radiohead. (I guess it looks like a tribute to Radiohead, and to the old rock songs :D.) :)

nktober 2020
Day: 5
Prompt: Blade

I have two personality that live in my - the first one is nice, gentle, very kind, the other one is .... well not so nice and gentle. But they both know to use this sharp blade.
So been careful my friend! 🤣😂

nktober 2020
Day: 6
Prompt: Rodent

I was thinking what if rodents have to go to normal human jobs how they may look like? Well here are some examples of working mice and one rat. :D

Inktober 2020
Day: 7
Prompt: Fancy

It was noisy that night when the little magician came into town. Too noisy if you ask him. May be the people who live there were having bad dreams. He had to think of something to make people sleep better and to chase away the nightmares. He is a magician after all, had to do some magic. So he took the whole town, put it on his hat and walked it around.
Now that's better!!
Sleep tight everybody I will be awake tonight and I will guard you dreams. :)

Inktober 2020
Day: 8
Prompt: Teeth

"Hey guys look at that cute little creature!"
"Ohh, he is so cute!!!
"Ohh! Look at you! Look at you!!"
"Come on little one, give as some smile! Come on, don't be shy! Just one smile for two, three (thousand) pictures! Come on!!"
Well, he smiled...
"Help! Help!"
"Run, ruuuunnn, RUNN!!"

Inktober 2020
Day: 9
Prompt: Throw

I've been drawing my portfolio for far too long. Everytime I looked at it I felt that there was something wrong, something was missing and I didn't know what. So I decided to throw all of my drawings away (for recycling). I need it a brand new begging.
Well, wish me luck, my friends!
I'm pretty sure that this time I'm going to draw better.
Just wait for it! :)

Inktober 2020
Day: 10
Prompt: Hope

""Goodbye my lover,
Goodbye my friend"
I really hope to see you again!"
But she never did.... :(

Inktober 2020
Day: 11
Prompt: Disgusting

"Hello, Miss Oddly, have you seen my cat around? She has been missing since last night."
"Hello, hello, my dear! Welcome to my modest place. Come, come and have a sit, my dear! Yesterday I saw in my caldron that I finally going to have a special guest this morning (after all those years) and here you are!"
"Ahhh! Thank you Miss Oddly ... but I just came to ask you for my cat. Have you seen ...."
"Oh a cat! Cats are wonderful! I'm pretty sure that I spotted a cat tail around. But have a sit, my dear. I prepared a fantastic soup, just for you. You have to try it. It's a new scratchy recipe I used. And I'm pretty sure that the cat will show herself from somewhere." :D :D

Inktober 2020
Day: 12
Prompt: Slippery

Have you been in this situation - when you listen to your favorite song and suddenly you slip over ice and before you realize what is happening you are on the ground?
Your favorite song is still on, so that's good! 😂

Inktober 2020
Day: 13
Prompt: Dune

Hello, guys!
I've received a post card from a close friend. I guess he invited me to go to visit him in the desert! There was no words. Just the card...
Humm, I kinda worry a bit, something is wrong....Did you see the snake? It seems to me that with this postcard he want to
warm me about something. May be he was captured by a snake, or there are some enemy around him?!
What do you think?

Inktober 2020
Day: 14
Prompt: Armor

Hi, guys,
I couldn't find a funny story with armor so here just a armored girl. :)

Inktober 2020
Day: 15
Prompt: Outpost

"Come on, guys! Now the "good stuff" is here, we can eat it all freely! Just be quick before The Parents- our biggest enemy, surprises us. We change guard every five minutes. I will be first on post, live me some of the cookies, please - from those, the chocolate ones. Over!" 🤣😂

Inktober 2020
Day: 16
Prompt: Rocket

"I've always dreamed to be an astronaut and today, finally, I have a chance to fly up in the sky!
OK Moon and stars and planets, here I am! Up we go!!!

P.S. I took my fishes with me, I couldn't just leave them alone in the Earth. They need me. So hope is not a problem!" :D

Inktober 2020
Day: 17
Prompt: Storm

"Don't worry my dear homeless friends - I will be your shelter from the storm. Just hold me tight!...
See?!... When we are together there is nothing to be scared of!
There... The storm is over! The rain even washed our clothes, this is just great! Isn't it?!" 🖤

Inktober 2020
Day: 18
Prompt: Trap

"Hello, handsome!... Why don't you come little closer?... We can swim together. I can show you the hidden beauty of the vast deep Sea. A chance like that is just ONCE in a lifetime! So, come, come with me!!!..."

Inktober 2020
Day: 19
Prompt: Dizzy

"Hi, Oskar! Can you help me with my essay tonight? You are so good at writing."
"Oh, ...I ..I .. No!.. I mean OK... But... I would love to, but...."
"Thank you, Oskar! That's great! I will wait for you at 6pm at my place. I knew I can rely on you!.."

She kissed him...

To be kissed from someone who you "secretly" love it could make you dizzy. Isn't it?!

nktober 2020
Day: 20
Prompt: Coral

If you wonder how the coral queen look like, here is some drawing I did of her.
When I met her she was very worried because the coral bleaching. (When water is too warm, corals will expel the algae (zooxanthellae) living in their tissues causing the coral to turn completely white. This is called coral bleaching. Google). Her babies - the corals start to die faster so as she. So she asked me to share this drawing with you so you can remember her when she is gone. :(

Inktober 2020
Day: 21
Prompt: Sleep

"If you ask me - a mother of two, what I dream of just for myself, I would definitely say - I dream of having a good night sleep ... 8 hours sleep... Uninterrupted... From 9pm, if it's possible... No dreams, please...
But then I'm thinking that the kids will grow up, then they will fly away from me to they own path, move to another place and then I will finally have my dreamed 8 hours sleep, uninterrupted, from 9pm, every night...
Then you may ask me - what I'm going to dream for myself when that happens? Well, I guess I will dream to have my 3-4 hours sleep, interrupted, from 1-2am, full of nightmares ... Yes I would dream of having that just to have my kids back around! ... "

Inktober 2020
Day: 22
Prompt: Chef

For this year's Halloween the chef in our restaurant decided to prepare a very special cake all by himself. He digged the recipe from his grandma's old recipes pad.
The best thing is that the cake is on the house! So don't hesitate to ask for it.
Who DARE to try the first piece?? :)

Inktober 2020
Day: 23
Prompt: RIP

"Hello, my unknown friend!
Come, come and have a sit.
Don't be afraid of me - I was a human once just like you. I had a real life, just like you. Now I'm resting in peace in the eternity and collect life stories. No one remembers me but I could remember you forever.
Just come, come and have a sit.
Now than, tell me your life story, tell me and make it a good one!..."

Inktober 2020
Day: 24
Prompt: Dig

Hey, guys, look at this little underground architect. :) :D

Inktober 2020
Day: 25
Prompt: Buddy

"Yes son!"
"You are my best buddy!"
"Really?! That's wonderful to hear!"
"Yes... After my bear, my rabbit, my tortoise, my..."
"Okey, okey, I got it!"
"Who is your best buddy, dad?"
"You son!"
"After whom?"
"After no one. Just you, son!"
"Now I'm thinking.... May be my bear, my rabbit, my tortoise and the rest of my friends could be my second best. Second is still good right? And you dad, you are my bestest buddy!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! I'm sure!"
"Love you, son!"
"Love you, dad!"...

Inktober 2020
Day: 26
Prompt: Hide

"OK guys let's take a walk. What? You don't want to? Why? You are afraid of people? But why? Because you are weirdos? Well, what's wrong with that? Look at me - I'm a weirdo too. But how cares? OK, fine! Just hide in my hair. No one is going to see you there. Are you happy now? Great! Let's take a walk than! " :)

Inktober 2020
Day: 27
Prompt: Music

"When no one is watching me - "I've got the music in me, I've got the music in me, I've got the music in me..."

Inktober 2020
Day: 28
Prompt: float

"I'm sorry private you won't make it. You are too far away from our boat."
"Aaaaaa...." (crying)
"Private, be strong! We can survive today but nobody knows about tomorrow, if it's raining again! So, be a man! What's your name, son?"
"Snail 2543678435."
"Good! Ferrell Snail 2587899.. or whatever! You will be long remembered!"
"Thank you, sir!

Inktober 2020
Day: 29
Prompt: Shoes

"Hey, boy! Are you cold?"
"Hello, Sir! Just a little bit, Sir!"
"Where are your shoes?"
"I don't have any, Sir!"
"Here! Take my shoes. They might be a little bigger for you!"
"Oh, Sir! They are wonderful - nice and warm! But I can't take them, Sir! I'm sorry!"
"Why's that?"
"What your are going to walk with, Sir? The ground is cold!"
"Don't worry about me, boy! I have another pair of shoes at home! Here - I have something for your friend too! (He gave to the dog his hat and scarf). There! Now is better!!"
"I can't thank you enough, Sir!... You are so kind! I ..."
"Don't mention it! Goodbye, boy! See you around!"
"Goodbye, Sir! ...
Hey, Sir?... You forgot your shopping bag here...Sir, sir?"
He was fast gone.
Hi won't come back for the bag. The little boy new that...
"Thank you, Sir..."

P.S. Being a good person doesn't cost much - you just need to have a good heart. That's all!...

Inktober 2020
Day: 30
Prompt: Ominous

This is the ominous feature that we would see if we don't do something today... Tomorrow might be too late....

Inktober 2020
Day: 31
Prompt: Crawl

"Come on Oskar! Come here! I know that you can crawl..."
"Hey, hey, Oskar! Look how's here - your friend - Bear and your favorite car..."
"Here are some ba-na-naaaa and apple toooo..."
"OK, Oskar! I'm going to sit over here, on the couch... if you need me.."
A candy fell on the floor...
"Great job, Oskar!!! I knew you can crawl"... :D
Inktober 2020

Inktober 2020
