Perfil de Scarlett Ho

Ogygia Short Suspense Storyboard Animatics

A storyboard animatics I did for my visual storytelling assignment titled 'Ogygia'. 

Ogygia is a utopian island cut off from the outside world. The people there, dressed in ancient Greek clothing’s, lived a simple and joyful life, except for a girl named Pythia, who often have these traumatizing visions of people dressed in greyish colored uniforms, carrying unfamiliar weapons in battle, killing innocent people. Unaware whether they are visions from the future or just simply nightmares, she kept it all to herself. Until one night, when she carved her visions onto a clay pot, a woman who saw it immediately screamed in agony. Kept yelling: “It was the war!” before killing herself. Realizing something was terribly wrong, Pythia secretly broke into Chief Basil’s forbidden basement to find out that he had actually killed all of those who knew the truth about this island. This was no ancient Greek Utopia. The people, including Pythia, who’s originally name was Charlotte Smith, were survivors of World War 2, all brainwashed by Chief Basil who was an ex-Nazi lieutenant, into believing they were now living in a peaceful ancient Greek era. Unfortunately, Chief Basil finds out that Pythia has now discovered the truth. He will do whatever it takes to silent her. Now, Pythia has to find a way to get out of this island before it’s too late.
Ogygia Short Suspense Storyboard Animatics


Ogygia Short Suspense Storyboard Animatics
