The project developed "Heart diary" is a very personal view of the combination of the beeswax with a memory; the output is a speculative object, a totem object, which refers to many meanings. 
The heart is a symbol linked to affection and the emotional sphere of emotions, life and love.
The candle is made out of beeswax, that is a perfumed, malleable material that allows being shaped, and during use (as a candle) it melts and changes shape, exactly as I change day after day.

The candle is a metaphor of life, once you turn it on, it can’t come back as new, there is a process of transformation, the fire is burning, the material is changing, at the end of the wick it turns off.
«Pensavo di poter descrivere uno stato, fare una mappa del dolore. Invece ho scoperto che il dolore non è uno stato, bensì un processo. Non gli serve una mappa ma una storia. Ogni giorno c’è qualche novità da registrare». C.S. Lewis

SS. 2018/2019
Heart diary
Design and material 
Prof. Andrea de Chirico
Heart diary

Heart diary

Beeswax candle shaped like heart, designed and prototyped using 3d printing technique and silicon mould. Emotional design
