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Mask - Cross-Cultural Impact Jam (2021)
Winner of the "Making an Impact Award"
The objectif of this game jam was to work with people from all horizons and across the world. I was thus integrated in a team compose of someone from France, someone from Senegal and someone from the United States. The game jam theme was "Amplifying voices". We decided to tackle this subject by talking about the concept of "masking" which is very present in the queer and neurodivergence communities. "Masking" is the concept of putting on a mask to hide who you really are so that "normal" people will accept you. Having people from these communities inside our team, we where able to tackle this subject knowingly. I'm extremely proud of the great work my team and I accomplished during this game jam and that was rewarded by winning the "Making an Impact Award".
Space Janitor - Game Jam UQAT (2019)
Honorable art mention
For this game jam I took part in the design of the different mechanics and the controls. Space Janitor is my first experience in a game jam as a programmer. I’m proud of what we achieved, since we were able to obtain an artistic honor mention during this event.
Blast Cadets - Game Jolt (2014)
Blast Cadets is a competitive game that we tried to create during a game jam that occurred on the internet on the Game Jolt site and that was hosted by PewDiePie. We had a lot of fun in trying to create all kinds of funky control schemes for this game. Even thou the controls did not end up as great as we had hoped, the experience of playing around with different control schemes was very enriching to help broaden our horizons. Game jams are after all the perfect place to experiment with new ideas.
The Bawss - Bivouac Urbain (2012)
The Bawss is a test we wanted to experiment using 3D that consisted in moving a character as in a side scroller 2D, while moving the environment around to make it more dynamic. It also was an asymmetric game where three players had to fight against a fourth for the control of the battlefield. The winner would then become The Bawss and turn against the other players who would again need to fight to win this desirable position. This game jam took place in 2012 during the Bivouac urbain in Quebec City.
Shuttle Rush - Bivouac Urbain (2011)
Shuttle Rush is a 2D platformer that was first prototyped during a game jam called Bivouac Urbain that took place in Quebec City in 2011. The idea was to run from one side of the level to the other while flipping switches to open doors on the other side and under the stress of a timer, for our character had an oxygen leak in his space suit. We were thus continually running from left to right and back and forth to the central vending machine to get more oxygen and go on. This is the basic idea that eventually made it into our first published game of the same name.
Game Jams

Game Jams



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