Hi everyone!
Good news - I'm enrolled in Graphic Design Certificate at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and I want to share with you my Projects, which I'm creating during my study.
Currently, I divided them into two groups: first one - projects, created in Photoshop, and second one - projects, created in Adobe Illustrator.

Let's begin from the first project I created during my Graphic Design Certificate. It will be my projects, created in Adobe Illustrator.

Part 1. Projects, created in Adobe Illustrator.
Project 1 - Abstract Series (Introduction to Graphic Design)

Task: Keeping in mind the principles of Design, to create the abstract design pieces. 
Inspiration: "Monet and Chicago" exhibition in the Art Institute of Chicago, Harry Potter and stained glass windows of the St. Stephen's Cathedral (Vienna, Austria).

P.s.: Middle image is actually 2 rectangles with fancy placement. 
Project 2 - Abstract Poster (Digital Design: Illustrator)

Task: Considering basic shapes, lines, and layers, to create an abstract or non-representational poster design.
Inspiration: Flight of fantasy.

I added grey background in order to reflect the idea of my work - black and white rectangles, different shapes and lines inside (look like they are having a party there).​​​​​​​
Project 3 - Postcard (Digital Design: Illustrator)

Task: Create a postcard for a SAIC event.
Inspiration: Works of Keith Haring.
Project 4 - Illustration by Pen Tool (Digital Design: Illustrator)

Task: Using the pen tool, turn sketch of your favorite food into an illustration.
Inspiration: Ice-creeeeeeeeam.
Drawing this cutie was such fun.
Project 5 - Seamless Pattern (Digital Design: Illustrator)

Task: Create a seamless pattern.
Inspiration: Summer vibes.

Project 6 - Logo & Branding (Introduction to Graphic Design)

Task: To build a logo to be used within a brand.
Inspiration: Music. 
I wanted to create a logo for a radio station - something unusual and colorful.
Project 7 - Greeting Card (Digital Design: Illustrator)

Task: Create a greeting card. 
Inspiration: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, pam pam pam paaaaaaam 🎶 
Project 8 - Logo Cezve (Digital Design: Photoshop)

Task: To create a logo for the existing or fictitious company. Currently it's a pending task - I haven't got a final critique for this project yet.
Inspiration: I love coffee, especially made in old-fashioned style - brewed in cezve. So I decided to create a logo for the fictitious company Cezve, which is focused on selling coffee and coffee equipment, such as grinders and cezves.
Fall Portfolio Review_I
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Fall Portfolio Review_I

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