Imagine Harry
Imagine Harry was a brief I got in my 3rd year at Abertay Uni. I was tasked to create a cartoon fit for cartoon network to show on a Saturday morning. 
The focus on the cartoon was to be two best friends who share an imaginary friend.
The Characters
Oscar and Sally
Above we can see Oscar and Sally, the main characters of this cartoon.
Instead of the show focusing on best friends, I chose to make the characters twins as I wanted to play with the concept of twins having a physic connection together and I did this by having the imaginary friend "split" when the twins aren't together. 

Oscar is the tamer one, he's very introverted and will always prefer to just take a nap or play games.
Sally is very extroverted and is mostly the one getting the twins in trouble.

The Imaginary Friend
Pictured above is the Imaginary Friend that Oscar and Sally share.
When the twin together the character is the middle is what is show, however if the twins are ever separated the twin splits into two different characters. They split into the essence of the twins and stay with the twin. So when the friend splits, Oscar get the friend with Sallies essence and Sally gets the friend with Oscars friend and that’s how the twins say connected through physic communication.
Taylor is the half older sibling to the twins.
Taylor is being use as the main character for my 4th years honours project, so you'll find more about Taylor under that Project! 

Below is the process of designing Taylor.
Owen is a part of the Friend group in the cartoon.
He has an amputated leg from an accident when he was younger.
He doesn't like showing it, but he's very insecure about his leg and he feels left out when he has to sit out of p.e as he doesn't have a very reliable leg and will often fall off.
All he wants is to be older so he gets a good leg so he can paint and customise it and wear it without worrying if its's going to break,

Below is the process of designing Owen.
Glen is the best friend to Oscar, they grew up always being close to each other, he sees himself as a bit of a lady’s man but can never get the girl. He also really enjoys playing games with Oscar and will spend most of their spare time playing games together.

Below is the design process for Glen.

Jackie is best friends with Sally. Jackie is also autistic and their character arc throughout the series will help end the stigma and educate people on people with autism.

Below is the design process for Jackie.
Gabi is the prissy one of the group and is also the love interest of Oscar.
The most important thing to her is her social media platforms and will always be on her phone.

Below is the design process of Gabi.
Vince is the younger brother to Bree and he has vitiligo. He's a book worm and enjoys studying in his spare time, he drinks hot chocolate like a British mum drinking tea and even helps Bree with her college homework.

Below is the process of designing Vince.
Bree is the older sister to Vince.
Bree got into college with a sports scholarship and relies on athletics to keep her afloat.
She is also childhood friends with Taylor.
Every episode Bree is in, she rocks a different hair style.

Below is the design process.
Red Snappuh
Red Snappuh run the local fishery and will spend most of his time there or on his boat.
He's still a big kid at heart and doesn't take his adult responsibilities very seriously.

Below is the design process.
Rob Stopper
Rob stopper is head at the police department. He's a bit full of himself and cares too much about his appearance, specifically his hair and moustache.
He's also secretly dating Miss. Ednis!
Miss Ednis
Miss. Ednis is an English teacher at the school. She's lost her passion after teaching for so many years. She wears a different floral dress every episode she is in.
She is also secretly dating Rob Stopper!
The Enviroment
I was also tasked in the breif to design a few aspects on the enviroment.
First is the abandoned Ice Cream truck.
This truck has not been used is many years.
Taylor and their friends have adopted this truck as their secret hideout where they play a lot DnD.

Below is the design process.
I also had to design the classroom where the twins would be spending most of their time when in school.

Below is the design process.
I also had to design a hideout for the twins.
I chose to make it a treehouse in the back garden.

Below is the design process.
I also had to design a harbour that had to include a lighthouse, a small boat and a seagull that wears a shell.

Below you'll see the design process and the details like the boat and the seagull.
I also had to design Rob Stoppers police car but with a twist, The twist being he crashed it!

Below are the concept sketches.
Imagine Harry

Imagine Harry
