Toru Esakis profil

XD Daily Creative Challenge Nov 10 - 20 (Day 9)

Title: E-commerce website for a local winery wines
Target: Costomers who are interested in local wine and looking for a middle to high end wines
Design: Modern, brand-new, a bit luxury 
Note: Due to this design is for a local winery which was established 35 years ago (this means new winery compared with others I guess), I designed this something modern but a bit luxury to put a brand value on their wines. That's why I chose navy color as the main color and golden yellow as the accent color. Angels will bring happiness to this winery!
This is the link to the prototype of this web design. Please press up or down key to see auto-animation and 3D-movement!

XD Daily Creative Challenge Nov 10 - 20 (Day 9)

XD Daily Creative Challenge Nov 10 - 20 (Day 9)
