Profil Caldera MediaProfil Andrés Caldera

Margo Jewlery- Femmes Photocollection

“FEMMES” is a photo collection we created along with Andrés Caldera as an ode to women .

Be it.
“Woman in the middle east feel constant pressure due to the huge amount of taboos and expectations we are subjected to. This created a huge pressure on who we are and how we express it. I was lucky enough to be born in a very liberal family and I decided that I want to share this with the rest of the world, and treat every woman the way my parents treat me. I want to give them the confidence to be raw, expressive, and most importantly to be themselves.”

-Tara M
Creator of Margò and Art director of Femmes .

Build it.
“We are here to create beauty, but no matter how much effort we put into our pieces, they will only shine  if you love yourself enough to do so too.”
”Say no to body shaming & Say no to all types of oppression.”

Margo Jewlery- Femmes Photocollection

Margo Jewlery- Femmes Photocollection

“FEMMES” is a photo collection we created along with our talented photographer Andrés Caldera as an ode to women .
