Profil appartenant à Vokili Shiell

QUT Landscape Architecture - Planting Design

2020 QUT Landscape Architecture - Planting Design

How can we reimagine this hard, exposed corner of the school yard and turn it into a yearned for Pollinator's Garden for the children's new vege patch?
First, let's look at what the site is now, and imagine what it could be. 

What would it look and feel like for the children who will use it?

It has to be fascinating, captivating and delightful. It must provide opportunities to move, stretch and learn, but be safe to touch and explore. It must be hardy, to survive the trample of many feet, and change with the seasons to engage children actively with their local environment.  

And of course, it must be fun!

To attract pollinating insects and birds, the space also needs to provide food and safe refuge.
A carefully curated selection of trees, shrubs and groundcovers - all Australian natives - that will help us achieve all that and more.
A concept design plan and sections outline how the Pollinators Garden might be realised.  
A detailed planting plan delivers the transformation as intended for the students, staff and whole school community.
QUT Landscape Architecture - Planting Design
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QUT Landscape Architecture - Planting Design

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