Everyone in Britain, whether they've seen it or not, has heard of Blue Peter. It really is a flagship (ha) of British television.

Earlier this year, way back in July, I got the chance to pitch for the redesign of the show's logo, and imagine a whole new graphic style for the new series. My pitch was ultimately unsuccessful, their ship was sailing in a different direction (...), but I consider it an honour to have had the chance.

I think enough time has passed now to allow the team there to do their thing, and so I'd like to share my work with you as an example of how much thought goes into designing a logo, and building the visual branding around it.

This stylescape took a week to put together. It aims to give the client a clear visual overview of the idea, and makes it easy for them to imagine how it would look implemented across the brand. I went the extra mile here and popped into MediaCityUK, where the studio is based (not far from me), to take some photos of their existing signage and replaced it with the new logo. I still really like the design, which is unusual, I usually look back at old work with despair!

The important takeaway here is that visual branding is worth taking time over, because as the Blue Peter team know, if it isn't right, it could derail the brand. And then you have to start over again.

If you're a brand, ask yourself - how much thought have you put into your visual branding? What is it saying about you? What is it saying about your audience?

I offer graphic design services in a one-stop creative workshop to small businesses and big brands alike. For rates and more info, visit my website. For enquiries, email

Redesigning Blue Peter


Redesigning Blue Peter
