This is my contribution to The Gioconda Project - a non-profit artistic experiment showcasing high quality artwork from artists known or anonymous from all over the globe with their own interpretation of the world's most popular painting - Mona Lisa or "La Gioconda".
The invitation to this project really got my attention with the chance of interpreting a work of the genius, Leonardo Da Vinci.
My interpretation does not imply any concrete meaning or message. Every single element has nothing to do with the whole composition. It is my own exploration of ideas and concepts as I doodle playfully within the premises of the world famous work of art.
Visit the official website for more info: http://giocondaproject.com/
The Gioconda Project

The Gioconda Project

This is my contribution to The Gioconda Project - a non-profit artistic experiment showcasing high quality artwork from artists known or anonymou Развернуть
