Artistic Statement:
As said by a well-known, childhood hero of mine, “To infinity, and beyond”. This simple phrase, famously said by Disney’s character, Buzz Lightyear, can hold a lot of value when applied to one’s mindset. Some of the greatest ideas started out very small, eventually morphing in to what they are now. For the most part, one has no idea how far a simple idea can take them

Technical Statement:
After various hand sketches, this really came to life in Photoshop. It began with a simple idea. A simple light bulb that slowly started finding it’s setting and placement with in the story. It was mainly created using both the pen and shape tool. Starting out as a flat, two-dimensional piece and slowly started gaining more dimension as every shape was layered on with different tones.
This piece was accepted for the International SpaceTime 2020 Student's Competition. 
Think Beyond


Think Beyond
