All Black lives CAN'T matter until ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER. 
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"The revolution will be live and direct."
They want our rhythm
But not our blues 
They LOVE our culture
To benefit and take from our entertainment, art, music, fashion, film, sports, technology 
Our inventions 
But HATE the colour of our skin
Black and Brown people 
Our beauty 
Our individual beings 
Hate to support our issues and struggles
Our humanity 
Our existence 
Whilst demanding equality
That “all lives matter” and they “don’t see no colour” 
And remaining silent during our injustices with their white privileges 
STILL we are seen as LESS than
As unprofessional 
As animals in the jungle
As criminals “armed” in crime 
As violent 
As angry 
As a threat 
They can’t stand our impact
Us occupying space 
Our excellence
Our radiance
Our resilience 
But we won’t let up 
Not this time 

The revolution will be live and direct 

— d.o. 
Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

This short poem was written following the George Floyd incident that took place back in May, which shook the entire world to a place of ACTION, p 자세히 보기
